MaccPride - Pride in Macclesfield
TRANSCEND- ‘Increasing visibility, reducing negativity’

TRANSCEND- ‘Increasing visibility, reducing negativity’

TRANSCEND is a mutual support and discussion group, linked to Macclesfield Pride, for all Transgender/Gender Variant People (TG, TS, IS, NB, GQ, TV/CD) and their partners, families, allies, and supporters.

We hold monthly meetings at various locations in Macclesfield and surrounding areas, and invite anyone to join us for an informal chat. We encourage you to dress in whatever feels comfortable, as we aim to make this a group where we can ‘be ourselves’.

We have a supportive Facebook group and facilitators/co-ordinators of this group are a transwoman with personal experience of many of the areas focused on by the group, and an LGBTQ+ ally, with extensive experience of family support and vast knowledge of the local community.

Contact details: Kay: 07922 459200                         Sue: 07881 725936

Email:            Facebook Group: TRANSCEND                

We have a core group of members with a range of knowledge, experience, and skills, who are prepared to take telephone calls and speak 1-1 with people.

We are not a helpline but have lived through experiences which others may be able to relate to including:

  • Knowledge of the effects of MTF/FTM gender affirming hormones and surgery options, and organisations able to offer timely treatment privately.
  • Knowledge of equality legislation and rights, including around NHS for bridging care and access to “single sex spaces”.
  • Advice on shapewear, clothing, everyday make up and grooming. • How to change government ID and to obtain gender recognition
  • Advice on speech and language (with or without surgery) and around body language and gait • Motivation, confidence building, makeup skills
  • Open to discussion about topics such as body issues, difficult home life, abandonment, and other social issues
  • Working with disabled and older people
  • Experience of mental health issues – we can talk to people and try to reassure them that there is help there and there are people who will listen.
  • Mental Health professional knowledge.
  • Deaf awareness and communication skills

We do welcome any age to the group, but given many of the places we meet are in venues where alcohol is served, anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

MaccPride TRANSCEND Posts

Trans Without Abuse – Live Free

You are not alone. You deserve support. You deserve safety. If you’re trans or non-binary and have experienced domestic abuse, we know how hard it …


Meet ups are within the first week of the month. Please check out Facebook or Instagram for monthly meeting information.

Transgender Day Of Remembrance 20th Nov

Transgender Day of Remembrance was founded in 1999 by a small group, to memorialise the murder of black transgender woman Rita Hester and Chanelle Pickett …

TRANSCEND Meet&Eat 29th March 2023

TRANSCEND Meet&Eat is Weds 29 March, 12 noon onwards at Rising Sun Macc. It’s a complete sell out so only those already confirmed and paid …

Mikki Tiamo Website

And article from one of our MaccPride committee members, Mikki Tiamo, on how to come out as Trans to your family and friends : I …

TRANSCEND planned events Feb-July 2023

TRANSCEND have organised planned events to ensure they have the chance to meet up each month as well as having support on line via FaceBook …

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022

A TIME FOR REMEMBRANCE AND REFLECTION Sunday 20th November 17:15 onwards, Sackville Gardens, Sackville Street, Manchester M1 3WA Join Sparkle – The National Transgender Charity …

TRANSCEND Meet Up 🏳️‍⚧️October 2022

🏳️‍⚧️ TRANSCEND- celebrating 3 years of increasing visibility and reducing negativity. Kay Lomas and Sue Armitt would love to see you at the meet up Wednesday …

Transgender Related Posts

International Transgender Day of Visibility 31st March 2024

International Transgender Day of Visibility (often referred to as TDOV or Trans Day of Visibility is an annual event dedicated to celebrating transgender people and …

Transgender Day Of Remembrance 20th Nov

Transgender Day of Remembrance was founded in 1999 by a small group, to memorialise the murder of black transgender woman Rita Hester and Chanelle Pickett …

Transgender Awareness Week

Every year, from 13-19 November, it is a time to come together to celebrate Trans Awareness Week. This week serves as a vital platform for …

TRANSCEND Meet&Eat 29th March 2023

TRANSCEND Meet&Eat is Weds 29 March, 12 noon onwards at Rising Sun Macc. It’s a complete sell out so only those already confirmed and paid …

Mikki Tiamo Website

And article from one of our MaccPride committee members, Mikki Tiamo, on how to come out as Trans to your family and friends : I …

TRANSCEND planned events Feb-July 2023

TRANSCEND have organised planned events to ensure they have the chance to meet up each month as well as having support on line via FaceBook …

Transgender Day of Remembrance 🏳️‍⚧️

The Transgender Day of Remembrance or International Transgender Day of Remembrance is a day that is held annually on the 20th November to memorialise those …

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022

A TIME FOR REMEMBRANCE AND REFLECTION Sunday 20th November 17:15 onwards, Sackville Gardens, Sackville Street, Manchester M1 3WA Join Sparkle – The National Transgender Charity …

🏳️‍⚧️ Trans Awareness Week

Each year, across the country, people and organisations participate in Transgender Awareness Week between November 13th-19th. This event is closely followed by the Transgender Day …

Trans Parent Day 1st Sunday in Nov

🏳️‍⚧️ Trans Parent Day was created in 2009 as a day to recognise and respect transgender parents around the world. Trans Parent Day is celebrated …

TRANSCEND Meet Up 🏳️‍⚧️October 2022

🏳️‍⚧️ TRANSCEND- celebrating 3 years of increasing visibility and reducing negativity. Kay Lomas and Sue Armitt would love to see you at the meet up Wednesday …

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia is observed on May 17 and aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of LGBT rights violations …