MaccPride - Pride in Macclesfield
Our Constitution

Our Constitution

Constitution of Macclesfield Pride

1. Name
The name of the group shall be Macclesfield Pride and this is the registered Charity

2. Aims and Objectives
 To promote equality and celebrate diversity, and create social inclusion for all in the local community.
 To increase visibility and reduce negativity, as we address discrimination against any difference especially within the LGBTQ+ community.
 To establish and continue working alongside community groups to prevent isolation of marginalised groups all year round.
 To support the committee of MaccPride to create an annual event in the town centre, plus any other events and groups to meet our aims throughout the year.
 To use the trademark of MaccPride in respect of merchandise for the benefit of the local LGBTQ+ community.

3. Membership
 Is open to anyone who supports the aims of Macclesfield Pride, and includes all members of MaccPride.
 Is for everyone over the age of 18. Anyone under 18 must have the consent from one parent or Guardian.
 Is for people who reside locally or in the surrounding areas of Macclesfield, or have local connection to this area as agreed by the Committee.
 Membership will begin as soon as the membership form has been completed and a nominal subscription of £1 has been paid.
 A list of all members will be kept by the Honorary Secretary and reviewed and updated at each Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Ceasing to be a member:-
Members may resign at any time in writing or email to the Honorary Secretary.

Any offensive behaviour, including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks, will not be permitted. Anyone behaving in an offensive way or breaking the equal opportunities policy or safeguarding policy may be asked not to attend further meetings or to resign from the group until this is fully investigated by the MaccPride committee.

The committee reserve the right to revoke the membership of anyone if a total majority decision is agreed.

4. Equal Opportunities
Members will not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race (including colour, ethnic or national origin), sexual orientation, disability, gender, gender reassignment, class, religious or political belief, pregnancy or maternity, marital status or age.

5. Management
5.1 Trustees and MaccPride Committee
The business of the group will be carried out under the Governance of the Trustees, and implemented by the MaccPride Committee, all of whom will remain in office for one year.

These positions will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting, when other members will have the opportunity to stand for any of the positions, and/or serving Trustees and Committee members may seek re-election.

The officers’ roles are as follows (subject to flexibility as the committee agree):
 Chair – who shall chair both general and committee meetings. Co-ordinate roles and tasks agreed at meetings.
 Vice Chair – will step up and perform role of Chair in their absence, and take on other designated roles as mutually agreed.
 Honorary Secretary – who shall be responsible for the taking of minutes and the distribution of all papers. Responsible for keeping records of members
 Honorary Treasurer – who shall be responsible for maintaining accounts
 Up to a further seven general Committee members, roles as mutually agreed.

5.2 Committee meetings
Committee meetings will be called by the Chair or Honorary Secretary. Committee members must usually receive notice of meetings at least 7 days before the meeting.
The quorum for Committee meetings is 4 Committee members.

Any Committee member not attending a meeting without apology for three months will be contacted by the Honorary Secretary and asked if they wish to resign.

In the event of an officer standing down during the year a replacement will be elected by the next General Meeting of members.

6. Finances
An account will be maintained on behalf of Macclesfield Pride at a bank agreed by the Committee. Two or more account administrators will be nominated by the Committee (one to be the Honorary Treasurer). The account administrators must not be related nor members of the same household.
 For all cheque payments, two of the account administrators will sign the cheque.
 For other payments (such as BACS payments, cash withdrawals, debit card payments or cash payments), a requisition note will be signed by two of the account administrators, and held by the Honorary Treasurer.
All payments from the account will be authorised by the Committee. Payments under £30 can be authorised by just one of the Committee’s officers. All payments over £30 will need to be authorised by two of the Committee’s officers.
Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Honorary Treasurer and a financial statement given at each meeting.
All money raised by or on behalf of Macclesfield Pride is only to be used to further the aims of the group, as specified in item 2 of this constitution.

7. Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held within fifteen months of the previous AGM.
All members will be notified in writing or email at least 2 weeks before the date of the meeting, giving the venue, date and time.
Nominations for the Committee may be made to the Honorary Secretary at least one week before the meeting.
The quorum for the AGM will be 10 members, and they must have been a member for the 3 months prior to the AGM.
At the AGM:-
 The Trustees and Committee will present a report of the work of Macclesfield Pride for the year.
 The Honorary Treasurer will present the accounts of Macclesfield Pride for the previous year.
 The Committee for the next year will be confirmed and positions may be changed every year as stated at item 5 of this Constitution.
 Any proposals given to the Honorary Secretary at least 7 days in advance of the meeting will be discussed.

8. Special General Meetings
The Honorary Secretary will call a Special General Meeting at the request of the majority of the Committee or at least eight other members giving a written request to the Chair or Honorary Secretary stating the reason for their request.
The meeting will take place within twenty-one days of the request.
All members will be given two weeks’ notice of such a meeting, giving the venue, date, time and agenda, and notice may be by telephone, email or post.
Election to replace or add Committee members may also be considered at a Special General Meeting, and people may be co-opted in to meet any need in the interim.

The quorum for the Special General Meeting will be 10 members.

9. Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.
Any proposal to amend the constitution must be given to the Honorary Secretary in writing. The proposal must then be circulated with the notice of meeting.
Any proposal to amend the constitution will require a two thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.

10. Rules of Procedures for meetings
All questions that arise at any meeting will be discussed openly, and the meeting will seek to find general agreement that everyone present can agree to.
If a consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken and a decision will be made by a simple majority of members present. If the number of votes cast on each side is equal, the chair of that meeting shall have an additional casting vote.
There will be at least two ‘Open Forum’ meetings each year, where anyone can attend and discuss ideas to assist meeting the aims and objectives of the charity.

11. Dissolution
If a meeting, by simple majority, decides that it is necessary to close down the group it may call a Special General Meeting to do so. The sole business of this meeting will be to dissolve the group. If it is agreed to dissolve the group, all remaining money and other assets, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to a local charitable organisation. The organisation will be agreed at the meeting which agrees the dissolution.

Adopted at AGM dated 16 November 2022

Updated: not applicable