Sophie Armitt – Co-Founder & Trustee
Hi! I’m Sophie and I’m 24 years old. I’m one of the co-founders of MaccPride and currently a Trustee for the charity. As a Trustee I am responsible to ensure that the aims and objectives of the charity are met and in line with the Charity Commission. During the MaccPride event I am usually escorting vehicles through the square to ensure everyone is safe whilst stalls set up. You may catch me having a little boogie whilst doing so. I’m a huge gaming nerd and love all things Marvel related.

Liv – Co-Founder & Committee Member
Co-founder of MaccPride, member of MaccPride committee and Stage Production Team.
Loves RuPauls drag race!!

Kay Lomas – Trustee
Hi, my name is Kay. As a transwoman I am a proud advocate of TRANSCEND which Sue and I set up several years ago. I currently live on a narrowboat and am retired. Originally from Bollington I have lived in England, Wales and Scotland.
An engineer originally, I worked for the charity Scope in both care and financial rolls. Special tasks were with the DHSS as it was then and the department of health where I was lead administrator setting up the NDIP (national disability information project) also the Opportunity for Volunteers project in England.
I have owned several businesses ranging from a service station and garage to scrap metal.
I’ve been performing since an early age both playing instruments and singing.

Andrew Angus-Whiteoak- Trustee
I live on a narrowboat which was moored in Macclesfield over the lock-down years and have travelled the Cheshire Ring to a few places since, currently moored in Tameside. I was amazed by how open and progressive Macclesfield is, and have been a part of TRANSCEND from the start. I’ve exhibited paintings at MaccPride for the past couple of years. As part of my role at the University of Manchester I sit on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion steering committee for the School of Biological Science, where I am active in organising training and talks highlighting the needs of staff across each protected characteristic. I enjoy table-top role-playing games, life drawing and art groups and days out involving steam and diesel trains and stationary engines.

Anna – Trustee
To Be Added